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Before E3 this year, a lot of people were saying 'I hope they make an Animal Crossing, Paper Mario and Metroid for Wii U.' Then when they announced Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival, Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam and Metroid Prime: Federation Force, a lot of people reacted by saying 'well this is ridiculous! How DARE they treat me like this! This isn't what I asked for at all!'

No, it's not what you asked for. They've been working on these games for years. They didn't just knock out some games in a month, based on your E3 prediction wishlist.

Nintendo have revealed nothing at all about the NX and a lot of people are demanding, not only that it be a PS4 beating home console, but also that it be a very specific PS4 beating home console. How are you all going to feel when they announce a 3DS smart phone?