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kitler53 said:
DerNebel said:
Nem said:
Oh great... naughty dog makes one DLC with The last of us and now we are beeing gouged already for the next game.

No, i wont buy it, and i might buy the game used now. Sick of this pre-order politic of cutting things from the games to sell later as DLC or put behind the pre-order wall.
You know, i'm more likely to pre-order something that isnt trying to blackmail me into than something that does.
Fallout 4, Xenoblade X. Pre-ordered. No bull**** pre-order practices. Was gonna pre-order Deus Ex... now dont want anymore. Was interested in Uncharted 4... now i dont care so much. Keep it up guys, because from me you only get less.

What a load of BS. I mean this is so freaking laughable, did you even take the time to understand what is happening here before posting? Do you in all seriousness believe that companies don't have plans for their DLC before a game releases no matter if they announce it before launch or not? Just because the singleplayer DLC is announced now doesn't mean it's being cut from the main campaign. And what bullshit pre-order parctices are you even talking about here, who is trying to blackmail you into doing anything?

I swear some people just deliberately turn their heads off to be able to become enraged about anything.

don't sweat it,. he doesn't really mean what he says.


Geez, now that's just ironic.