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My list would go:
5. Super Smash Bros. Melee (I have no idea how many nights I plunged into this game)
4. Donkey Kong Country 2 (The third game I ever played, and one I've never forgotten)
3. Super Mario Galaxy (I was never a huge 3D Mario fan before I played this. It blew my mind from start to finish)
2. Pikmin 2 = Fire Emblem: Fates (Pikmin 2 is the epitome of quality, gameplay, atmosphere and characters are all perfect. Likewise with Fates, everything is perfect, I've been glued to my 3DS since it launched.
1. Pokemon Yellow = Pokemon Ruby (Of course for me Pokemon takes the top. Yellow was the first game I ever played and I still love it to this day; Ruby on the other hand, I spent my entire childhood playing through time and time again. Pokemon is so simple, but it works so well. No matter what games I play, I feel that these are going to be my favourites forever.