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Faelco said:

You want to list Playstation exclusives that can whet peoples palette, but so can I with the Xbox One. 


Except that Sony won last november and december. And october, september... Let's make it faster, the PS4 won every month in the last year. Surely before that also, but I didn't check that. 


So you can have fun and say anything about "the greatest line up in Xbox history" and how sure the Xbox victory is, but the numbers disagree. The Xbox lost the 4th quarter last year when the PS4 already had "no gamz" against the awesome Halo MCC, Forza and Sunset Overdrive, and it will surely lose again this year with Halo, Forza and Tomb Raider. And it will lose next year with Halo Wars, Forza and Gears. And... Well, you get it ^^.


I'm not even going to talk again about the games and PS4 bundles that will sell like hotcakes, it's obvious and useless. 

I know that MS is going to lose in the world, but they will win the november and december NPD (Just like I was saying earlier, I just didnt go into specifics as to there sales elsewhere). The only one that truly matters during fourth quarter. A lot of people in other nations are emulating black friday sales from America because it generates large amounts of cash. Microsoft has relevance in the race as long as they win in America.