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Robert_Downey_Jr. said:
Looks like old Uncle Sam will have to go in and try to give the mid-east democracy again. The Europeans, Chinese, US, and Japan should form a coalition and go into Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Egypt and stabilize things. I don't care how they do it just stop ISIS from spreading.

ISIS is like a puny 30,000-50,000 fighters that are being financed very obviously by Saudi/UAE/Qatar. They magically got all this funding overnight? Yeah right. 

The US has been in Afghanistan for like what? 15 years now? Yet that's still a crap show. 

The solution is that the Saudis/Turks/etc. need to bury the hatchet with the Shia countries (Iran in particular). Because all of this is just a proxy war between those two sides, it doesn't really have as much to do with the US as people would think.