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beeje13 said:
captain carot said:

As a german i'm actually fine with refugees in the first place.

But there's a whole bunch of problems with it right now. There's to much 'economical refugees' even from european countries, especially Balkan. We have to stop that for multiple reasons, not the least is a 'brain drain' in those regions. To much young people, with no real perspective though, move away.

Actual war refugees should be distributed over EU in a manner that every member state can easily manage that financially. That would mean financially strong economies like us or Luxembourg take more refugees per citizen than Poland but Poland would take more overall than Luxembourg.

Biggest issue: Something has to happen at the root of the problem. All those crises like in Syria, where right now actually nothing gets better.
A majority of Syrians would probably return to their home country if this fucking war ended.

Just a side note:
With the Balkan war, late repatrieates from former USSR etc. Germany had more refugees and immigrants in the early 90s than it has right now.


P.S.: Extremists and fanatics are all stupid dickheads. Doesn't really matter if Nazi, religious fundamentalist or whatever.

I'd imagine many migrants 'selected' to go to Poland for example, would refuse, and travel to their preferred country afterwards anyway. Quite amusing how nobody wants to go to Russia and other Eastern European countries. 

Can you blame them though really? 

Put yourself in their shoes and you have to start a new life somewhere else with kids in tow. Obviously you probably would choose Germany or UK or Sweden over Poland or Hungary where the job you can get pays more and the standard of living is higher.