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Angelv577 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

 You're hiding from the truth. How many years has it been since Nintendo has had a mainline FF game? The SNES. Not happening, unless Nintendo changes their attitude with third party. As for JRPG's Microsoft has a huge mountain to climb. Sony has home base and there isnt much politically that Microsoft can do about it. Sony by default has the JRPG fans in the west. Problem is Halo isn't a Japanese game and neither is Tomb Raider and those games will be shipping consoles whether anyone likes it or not. Uncharted is going to be Sony's so both dogs will have their day.

Things could change since SE said they want to help in reviving the japanese market so to do that, they have to consider nintendo because sony doesnt dominate that market.

Sony naturally dominates the market. If no one noticed how great Sony's influence over the industry is, Microsoft would never have entered.