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spemanig said:
Soundwave said:

I haven't seen that quote, would you care to point it out?

If they said that though ... well, if you're Sony you just have to laugh, comfortable knowing that you probably got it made with the PS5. Winning these console wars is pretty simple when you're dealing with "competetion" like that. Is it any wonder they are on pace to cruise to victory in 3/4 console gens virtually unimpeded?

The Wii U has a small library of games that most people don't give a shit about aside from the 12 million Nintendo fans who will buy the NX system no matter what. Making backwards compatibility a key priority is ass backwards thinking and it's part of the reason why the Wii U is gimped hardware wise today ... they got stuck using the shitty IBM CPU for example pretty much mostly because they wanted to retain backwards compatibility with the original Wii. A lot of good that did them. 

The funny thing is they probably are not even get a price break on that IBM CPU because they are the only company in the world dumb enough to use that dated tech in a mass market modern product. So they're probably paying similar price to Sony/MS to get much lower performance. But hey, right now like 5 people are enjoying some 8 year old Wii game on their Wii U, so I guess it was worth it. 

“...we think that product compatibility is a very important element during the transitional period from one platform to another. The software lineup for a new platform is not very rich during such a period and many consumers do not want to throw away the software they bought for the previous platform."

"...when you have never played a game, you can enjoy it as nothing but a newly released game. We would therefore like to take advantage of business opportunities to sell software for a previous console.” - Iwata

Just because the PS4 got by without BC doesn't mean it wouldn't do better with it. That line of thinking is stupid. "It's in first place, so it's obviously perfect and doing everything right!" Same in reverse. "It's in last place, so obviously it's because everything its doing is bad!" 

The combined library of retail and digital games is far from small. Let's not start spreading lies.

The PS4 wouldn't be the system it is today if it had backwards compatibility. They'd either have to gimp the CPU/GPU by being forced to go back to Nvidia or reusing the CELL (bye bye x86), or literally paste the PS3 chip into the PS4. Which would then make the system more expensive and negate the advantage of price that the PS4 had early on and took full advantage of to kick Microsoft's ass and build momentum that by now is look a giant snowball rolling down a hill that no one can stop. 

Sony made the right call. No doubt about it.