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Just throwing it out there, because we know in the past Nintendo has really had dreams of a "mobile" console. The GameCube had a handle so you could move it from room to room or take it to a friend's house. The Wii U obviously goes further by being a quasi-portable with the screen controller. Iwata even mentioned in the design phase they experiemented with putting the chipset inside the Wii U tablet entirely but it wasn't possible then. 

But with advances in mobile tech ... this certainly could be doable today. So lets say there's a standard NX portable ... like the 3DS XL it fits in most pockets. That covers the "standard portable" need for Nintendo. 

But the new console could also be very small, especially if it uses the same mobile CPU/GPU/RAM as the handheld, just souped up and no disc drive. 

Lets say there's a NX Terminal/LCD screen that you can purchase seperately (this also actually seems to be described in some of Nintendo's patents as something that allows for video chat and what not). Well lets say that attachs to the NX Console, or even can be streamed wirelessly to it. Add in a battery pack ... and voila ... you have a portable console. This has actually kinda be tried in the past with PC Engine LT and PSOne, but with today's tech is would be much more streamlined and could run off battery power:



Or it could look more like the Wii U tablet (the NX terminal) and the NX console could just slide into the back (which is mostly hollow in the current design anyway) like a cartridge going into a Game Boy. 

So you could have the standard NX portable which is lower powered, cheaper, pocket friendly, but for people who want the full scale NX experience, they could have the option of making the NX portable by joining to an LCD terminal of some type for those willing to carry around a bigger device. 

This guy approves. It would at least differniate it from the PS4/XB1, while maybe not as powerful, you can't really take either one of them on the go or move them around the house easily.