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Wyrdness said:
DerNebel said:


You try to use reading as an attack yet your replies indicate you're guilty of just that. YT wasn't dismissed as I said I can see the potential I just don't buy that as an excuse for the LPs you've been championing and don't see it anywhere near on par with traditional marketing, that's your first reading error your second is in claiming someone said Nintendo knows what's up in marketing, well no such thing was said highlighting an agenda on your end to just throw out an attack or bait thinking it'll gain you any ground. Revenue doesn't make a company bigger unless you're saying that Nintendo during the Wii years were bigger then both Sony and MS combined.

I highlighted the issue with YT personalities in a few factors, 30m subs doesn't mean 30m views btw which is why I refer to it as potential, another factor not touched upon is that these personalities aren't trying to sell the game at all but themselves. It's much like Brokers at any institute, they're not selling you the product but more so themselves, because that's what brings in the views, many people viewing may not even care about the games being played at all this is before we then factor in how many people may have multiple channels subcribed to the same person more for convenience and so on the are just a number of overlapping factors. It's not blowing it out of proportion it's just highlighting factors, what is blown out of proportion is how you're practically making it out like views equal sales.

The potential is there but I don't think it's even close to being harnested.

bolded: Is lying on the internet fun?

Then let's go through your own posts then.

1. "...advertising in these arguments when these videos have little to no influence in that matter."

2. "...I've yet to see any indication that these videos lead to extra sales and tbh I don't think they really do"

3. "...I've seen videos of low selling games with massive views yet no change of situation at all indicating the videos are not much of a factor at all."

4. "The point is that if the so called exposure is valid marketing more of these games would be selling from the amount of views they get but obviously that's not the case"

5. "'re arguing how intended marketing doesn't guarantee this and that then turn around and try to argue a YT video increases sales etc..."

Literally your first five posts in this thread say nothing about you seeing potential in Youtube nothing but dismissal of the idea, including the one that I replied to with the dismissal comment.

Then about the Nintendo marketing thing. Are you kidding me? Do I have to remember you of the conversation again? Let me remind you then:

I said MS and EA pay Youtubers to market their games

You said that it was funny that I mentioned MS' marketing cause they are failing against the PS4

I said that the Sony uses Youtubers as well and that EA, the biggest 3rd party publisher in the world, is apparently very successful marketing like that

And to that you said that Nintendo "the biggest publisher in the world" is saying no to the Youtuber thing, "so go figure"


The whole freaking conversation was about marketing and you brought it to Nintendo, so don't put that on me.

Revenue is a generally accepted figure to show the current size of a company in the market, also of course Nintendo was bigger in gaming than both MS and Sony combined during the peak years of the Wii.

And finally about your thoughts on the potential of Youtube marketing, the majority of gaming companies seem to disagree, so I'm pretty comfortable with my standpoint of it being a hugely important tool in todays gaming market.

I'm done with this now, gotta get to bed and this isn't going anywhere anyway.