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Update 2 (lots of spoilers if this is your first playthrough):

- Confronted Sarif before heading to Hengsha and convinced him to give up the goods (CASIE mod is really becomming useful now)

Hengsha side quests:

- Did the side quests for rescuing Ning and "the fall" mission. I actually sent him flying first, then reloaded to plant the drugs as I'm going for a "kill no one" playthrough.

- Talked my way into getting the cash in the Bar Tab quest

- Convinced Lee to spill the beans in Malik's quest

Mainline quests:

- Snuck into the Penthouse via the vent on the right of the building, although I also used it to get to the roof and take out everyone there too

- Found the Hive card in the Huang hotel. Convinced Tong to let me into the basement and give up the hacker location. I already yoinked the TYM access card from the Huang hotel. When shit hit the fan I gave Van Bruggen a shotgun before escaping.

- The Pangu/TYM section is actually fairly linear, lots of vents and stuff to hack though. I've got Invisibility at max so I used that to get past the laser sections.

- After confronting Zhao, I actually managed to take out all the guards with a single gas grenade. First time I manged to take the whole lot out in one go!

- In Montreal, knowing the guards arrive after entering room 404 I tried to cheat and arranged the vending machines and photocopiers to help me stealth my way down only to find the only way to progress was to kill someone by bashing the wall. As I wanted to keep my kill no one playthrough going I headed back up only to find the arrangement of vending machines was now hindering my way down! Bah!

- To get to the sub-basement I again used the vending machines to block the guards path whilst waiting for the funicular. This time it worked!

- Facing up against Fedorova (DC edition), I used the revolver with explosive mod to start, invisibility whilst hacking the door to open up the upper level, released gas when up there combined with the Typhoon to finish her off.

Anyway, back in Detroit again now. Will next update when I get up to The Missing Link section.