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Tachikoma said:
Abun said:
People been cheating for centuries.Marriage is an overrated and outdated concept anyway.As is religion.

People have been committing rape and murder for millenia, I guess that makes it ok.

Maybe 0.1% of the human species does that. 

I'd say you'd probably have to lock up 40% of the human race if we're talking infidelity. 

Our biological make-up is to want to breed. It's part of the reason we survived and you are here to be able to type on that keyboard ... because you certainly had in your past an ancestor that had an overwhelming need to stick his dick into something even in very dire circumstances probably (lol). The need to want to have sex is overpowering, and for the overall sake of the human race it's a good thing it is. 

Also for people who are so scared/insecure of being cheating on ... here's a protip ... stop being such a sh*tty partner if that's the case. Humans only stay engaged in relationships (even family) if they get more out of it than they're putting in, if you're not pulling your weight in a relationship or you're insecure or whatever ... don't expect a person not to wander. The only reason they won't is if they have no other viable options. And don't think just because you landed the girl/guy that it's a life time contract, even in marriage, you cannot just let yourself go and develop the personality/sex appeal of a cardboard box and expect the other person to be happy forever. 

If you needed a website hack to tell you you were in a failing relationship, you not only missed the boat of "relationship I.Q.", you got on the wrong boat entirely. Also if you married someone who turns out to be a serial cheater/sex addict type, you're going to tell me a straight face, there was no writing on the wall beforehand? If being cheated on is going to devastate you, maybe you should vet your damn life partner with a little more scrutiny before getting into a long term relationship with them?