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RubberWhistleHistle said:
I'm so fucking glad it happened. I hate cheaters with a passion and think they deserve every horrible thing that happens to them. Shouldn't have been scum fucks in the first place. I hope their lives are ruined for that choice that they made. I honestly feel no remorse. They're dirty, filthy, rotten pieces of trash.

Have you considered that this information leak can not only ruin the cheaters but the spouses' life too? I agree cheaters deserve their comeuppance, but it should be in a way where friends or strangers don't have to know about it because it's not their business. Things like this should be handled delicately, you know, with a divorce lawyer and friends not knowing about it. It could cause embarrassment for the cheater and his spouse. Three people committed suicide due to this, and it shouldn't have escalated that far.