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binary solo said:
Abun said:
GribbleGrunger said:
2008ProchargedGT said:
highest X1 in the hourly is 70 WTH whats going on with the plummet? Is this a similar trend to last year? I agree with Gribble, gonna be a large gap for this month.

I think the weight of 'actual' games is starting to wake people up. It's all well and good pretending the end of the year is the most important time for games, but then when a friend who either owns an XB1 or is on the market for a console visits their friend with a PS4 and plays Volume, Journey, Galax-Z, Rocket League, and is then told about Until Dawn, it MUST eventually take its toll. The reality (and it HAS been a reality for a while now) is that people with XB1s have only had multiplats to play (apart from Ori and The Rare collection), while PS4 owners have had the best versions of multiplats AND a slew of exclusives, including 5 AAA games once Until Dawn releases. The internet does NOT represent the reality, 25m sales of the PS4 does.

This is the point that I be making.Halo already has its fanbase and won't grow the X1 overrall fanbase anyway.Everyone buying an X1 so far are fans of Halo or Gears already.They have nothing new that brings in a larger demographic of gamers and have reached their peak in the U.S.Most sales outside of the fall will come from further price cuts.

You saw that last gen in the USA. Despite 360 nearly tripling it's install base the Halo franchise remained pretty flat in the USA, it's major expansion happened in Europe, which is not going to happen this time around. Basically the Halo franchise is good to guarantee US LT Xb one sales of about 15 million. To get substantially beyond that Xb one needs games that appeal to a different (non-shooter) audience. Xb one is already more or less guaranteed to get past 15 million LT so the further expansion of its install base does not depend on how well Halo does.

It will sell atleast 30 million in the US