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I got over 1000 posts on my old account and lost it by accident. I'm over 1000 posts again, and I've never been banned or warned on either account.

Although I have threatened to ban other people...

The Ban Kenobi 88 Incident was my 2nd favorite day on the Chartz, 2nd only to the day ioi was drunk and banning all the mods and then locked the thread. I think the Vagabond's drunk posting was my 3rd favorite day here.

But I did get banned from Joystiq like 3 times in a row because Vladimir Cole is a big asshole who got mad when I pointed out that he was doing an internship at MicroSoft so his pro-MS and anti-Wii comments in every single post were expected and biased. I'd create a new account and he'd delete it right away with no explanation. He was even a total prick to me in private e-mails. It was hilarious.