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RolStoppable said:

Let's start.

1. How many Nintendo-published games do you own?
B) Between 100-200. (over 200 on Nintendo platforms, but I have around 70 or 80 third party titles)

2. What's Nintendo's rank in your personal list of best console manufacturers of all time?

B) Second. (would have likely said Nintendo last generation)

3. If given the opportunity, would you spit on a competitor's system?

C) I would do nastier stuff than that.

4. If somebody criticizes Nintendo on the internet, how do you react?
B) I ignore it, because I really don't care.

5. Have you ever criticized Nintendo yourself?

A) Only when it was justified.
C) I do it all the time. I am a whiner.

6. If Nintendo releases a bad game, what do you do?
B) I wait for a price drop or don't buy it at all.

7. Have you ever gotten into a fight with another Nintendo fan?

A) Yes, because they were wrong.
B) Yes, because they were right and the truth hurts.

8. What do you think about third party games?

B) Some of them are quite good.

9. If RolStoppable quotes or addresses you in a thread, how do you feel?

B) I feel guilty because I have probably done something wrong.

10. Have you answered all questions truthfully?

A) I did it to the best of my abilities.

Lastly, write down the most important reason why you think that you are a cool Nintendo fan.

I had more fun than I thought I would answering this. Nintendo was my introduction to video games and shaped a lot of childhood years. First console was  an N64 and it was synonmous for video games as I didn't know other consoles existed until like 2000 with Dreamcast/PS2.

I found both answers i have for 5 and 7 funny, so I kept both. Feel free to double dock points from me.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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