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1. How many Nintendo-published games do you own?
B) Between 100-200.

2. What's Nintendo's rank in your personal list of best console manufacturers of all time?
B) Second.

3. If given the opportunity, would you spit on a competitor's system?
A) Yes.

4. If somebody criticizes Nintendo on the internet, how do you react?
A) I try to politely correct the misguided person.

5. Have you ever criticized Nintendo yourself?
A) Only when it was justified.

6. If Nintendo releases a bad game, what do you do?
B) I wait for a price drop or don't buy it at all.

7. Have you ever gotten into a fight with another Nintendo fan?
C) Yes, but I don't remember why.

8. What do you think about third party games?
B) Some of them are quite good.

9. If RolStoppable quotes or addresses you in a thread, how do you feel?
A) I feel honored that he humors my presence.

10. Have you answered all questions truthfully?
A) I did it to the best of my abilities.

Lastly, write down the most important reason why you think that you are a cool Nintendo fan.

I used to run the NintenDomination thread and still support Platina on it on a daily basis (events, tournies etc.). Doesn't get much better than that!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.