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Miyamotoo said:
Soundwave said:

$150 is a bit too low IMO. 

The 2DS/cheaper 3DS have shown people really don't want to skimp on features just for a low price point, otherwise they should be outselling the 3DS XL, but people who do choose to buy a 3DS choose by majority to pick the most expensive model. 

You can't have "strong integration" with the console if you have such a weak portable, to have somewhat seamless play between the two home/portable you're going to need some decent grunt under the hood too. 

I'd say start at a launch price of $219-$229. Still cheap, still reasoable, only a stone's throw away from the current 3DS XL, but the extra $20-$30 really gives you a lot more leeway on GPU/RAM in specific. Having a strong launch lineup (Mario/Zelda at launch, DQXI?) is a must, not like the 3DS which had an awful launch lineup and having the launch closer to Christmas will ensure a good early sales. 

Then you can scale down in cost to $199.99, 7-10 months later fairly easily as manufacturing costs come down. 

Maybe $150 is a bit low, but I think anything above $199 is to high.

If handheld cost $219-$229, what price will be for home console in that case? Remember, Xbox One next year will probably have price point around $299, I dont think Nintendo aiming to have higher price for their home console than XboxOne/PS4.

I don't think hardware that I mentioned is weak for handheld, with that hardware I think they can easily have strong integration with home console.

I dont see higher price than $199 ($149-199) for handheld and higher price than $299 ($249-299) for home console, but if NX is some kind of hybrid device, i can see price around $250.

The console variant doesn't have an LCD panel or battery (by far the most expensive components of a portable device), as such it could cost the same or even cheaper. There's a misunderstanding that the chipset is the most expensive thing in any hardware, when in fact that's usually not true. 

Case in point -- the PSTV costs less than a Vita, which you would expect it to as it's just the chipset and a PSU (power adaptor).