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The Fury said:
archer9234 said:

Hulk can reach the core and cause a chain reaction. He survives tons of crap. He can go around and stomp earthquake zones. Also, have Banner in cooperation with Hulk 100%. And neither one cares if people are killed. See that insanity. She-Hulk was brain washed once, and was able to completly take down the Avengers team, intil Hulk showed up. They always put limits on themselves. And usually won't cross that line. Gamma Overload any of them. Another nuke, or experiment.  Put two of them together. Their's many ways one or all of them could destroy the planet. And he can deal with most of the Asgard. If he wasn't that powerful. He wouldn't of been thrown off Earth. Nor would the Avengers try to cover that up towards She-Hulk.

Invisible Woman is a walking plot problem because she can form bubbles anywhere. form one in someones head. Instant kill. Or inflate/chrush one. That's aspect of her that was done a few times. But normally ignored. I agree, Marvel characters are great because they're normal people. And Marvel allows them to be in normal situations. DC and secret identities is the holy bible they follow. Which restricts them.

The Hulk stuff, no idea what you are refering, sure I would have heard about most of that but Hulk has no limit, the angrier he gets the stronger he gets but he still has a limit. He can't fly, he can get cut by Wolverine's claws. I doubt Hulk could hit the ground to destroy a planet.

TK has that issue, Invisible Woman can do it, Jean Grey can, any TKer can do that, mutants are 10% telekinetics. Iceman can freeze the water in your blood. Magneto can rip the iron out of it. Quake caused a localise earthquake in Wolverine destroying his heart (he was luck it was still in his body so it could heal)  Angel can grab you, lift you to 1000 feet then drop you, just a dangerous. Many superhumans have upper limits and dealy use of their powers.

But I wouldn't see them as god characters. Silver Surfer is but a movie about him isn't being made. (Anymore)

EDIT: This has just made me wonder about DC, the Lanterns are a form of Telekinetics but do DC not really have any TK and TPers? Marvel are all about that, mutants/X-men especially but DC is all about strength and power or street level.

Really. Why don't you see them as god characters. If you can desimate a city. You're a god to people who can't do that. You don't have to be all powerful in every aspect, like superman, to be categorized as a god. Or are you saying: that you wouldn't be scared that Hulk just destroyed California. By setting off San Anreas fault. You're basically arguing that Hulk isn't a god. Because he can't rip apart the planet directly. Or by pushing it out of orbit.

No ones gonna care about that. When cities and millions are dead, in other horrible ways. Even Krillian, one of the weakest Dragonball characters would be a god on Earth. Chi-Chi is even weaker than Krillian. And could still be a god. She had the ability to fly and fire energy. Any super hero with those type of basic abilites would be gods. Unless you want to argue they can be stopped somehow. So can Superman. People like Medusa can't be god like. Her power is only to fight with her hair. I would agree with you. With those characters.

But People like Doctor Strange, Hulk, most Mutants etc. can be categorized as a god. And Wolverine can only hurt Hulk because of his adimantium. If he fought without it. He just be Hulk's regenerating punching bag.