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The Fury said:
archer9234 said:
The Fury said:
God characters. DC has a lot of them, Marvel doesn't. DC biggest are god characters, Marvel's aren't.

This is why Suicide Squad looks like it might be a hit, beaten down criminals no more powerful than just a skilled version of you or me.

Marvel does have their fair share of god characters. The Hulk's can destroy the planet. Sentry, most of the Magic characters. Each Avengers team. Marvels use out of them makes it a lot easier to just not ask, why such and such doesn't do blah to win in 2 seconds. Invisible Woman is a walking plot problem all the time. VS Man of Steel's level of destruction. And Sup's perfect god like nature, in your face.

Hulk can't destroy a planet. Where on earth did you get that? I think i must have missed and issue. Holding up a mountain is strong but no where near pushing planets around like fun (although that was pre-crisis Supes wasn't it?)

Sentry was a walking Retcon and his presence in the MU was a weird one until death (since he has been revived, this sacrifice is lost), many people didn't like him because he was too powerful.

How is Invisible Woman a walking plot problem? Her Invisibility is good but her 'TK' is weak compared to the Grey DNA lot.

Anyway, I find Marvel's characters more relatable as they have better grounded origins, making them more human. Keeping in mind I'm a huge X-men fan so persecution of who you are is going to trump everything.

Flash is cool though. Glad his series is doing well.

Hulk can reach the core and cause a chain reaction. He survives tons of crap. He can go around and stomp earthquake zones. Also, have Banner in cooperation with Hulk 100%. And neither one cares if people are killed. See that insanity. She-Hulk was brain washed once, and was able to completly take down the Avengers team, intil Hulk showed up. They always put limits on themselves. And usually won't cross that line. Gamma Overload any of them. Another nuke, or experiment.  Put two of them together. Their's many ways one or all of them could destroy the planet. And he can deal with most of the Asgard. If he wasn't that powerful. He wouldn't of been thrown off Earth. Nor would the Avengers try to cover that up towards She-Hulk.

Invisible Woman is a walking plot problem because she can form bubbles anywhere. form one in someones head. Instant kill. Or inflate/chrush one. That's aspect of her that was done a few times. But normally ignored. I agree, Marvel characters are great because they're normal people. And Marvel allows them to be in normal situations. DC and secret identities is the holy bible they follow. Which restricts them.