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SvennoJ said:
Azzanation said:

I know what your trying to do and i have seen your post history. You are not a fan of MS and will downplay anything that seems to be good for the console. Just like what your doing now.

For starters what Crackdown 3 is doing is in another league to what your comparing it to. To do those physics in Crackdown 3 requires more then what 1 next gen console can achieve which is why its very impressive. It doesnt make your console physicaly more powerful, however its like your XB1 has access to a supercomputer that allows the games to look even better then it should.

How would you make a campaign when everything can blow up? You cant, unless the sole focus of the game is blowing stuff up which isnt what Crackdown is about. There has to be a story mode which limits the player in doing things that makes him OP. Example, if you have to kill a Boss in a well guarded building and you cant do it, the player can just keep shooting at the buildings structure to over come all the games challengers. Does that sound fun? Doesnt for me. Which is why there keeping it for Multiplayer only, running around blowing up buildings with a friend sounds more entertaining and it sounds like an amazing death match mode too.

Why are you bringing up Forza 6? And why are you judging the game thats not finished? FM6 doesnt use Cloud compute because that requires the player to be always online which if you remembered in 2013 E3 when MS annouced the XB1 to be always online, everyone threw a sissy fit. Both FM6 and Crackdown 3 have a offline mode which is what most gamers want. Since multiplayer needs an online connection, they can add cloud cmpute to it if they choose to.

I dont make games, i am just using common sense. What they showed was impressive and looks to be very real to me. Its not finished yet as Crackdown 3 is still a work in progress however if your comparing it to last gen thats a joke. Completely different methods. Plus MS have the facilties to use Cloud Compute world wide since Azure is available in most countries which gives MS a huge advantage over Sony and Nintendo whos cloud services are limited. Unless Sony and NIntendo start using Cloud services outside there buisness which can be a very expensive hobby.

I don't particularly care about MS, Sony or Nintendo. I do care about tech and nonsense marketing claims.
Anyway you agree does it doesn't make the console more powerful.
I agree that the server tech is impressive in its scaleability. No more eve online slowdown and trying to solve it with time dilation.

I brought up Forza 6 since Cloudlight was brought up. Forza 6 could use that in multiplayer to achieve real dynamic weather and time to keep the game fresh in the mode that will be played the longest. Forza 5 was already boasting using the cloud, why not expand on that in Forza 6.

I'm a software programmer, and from my background the server tech is impressive. Yet my common sense tells me that bandwidth, latency and overloading the client with detail will severly limit this tech.

We'll see how effective it will be when the game is finished.

Yet I understand why they market it this way since the lay person probably doesn't know or care about the real benefits. Using Azure compute it can run on any compatible server, at any time. It can run indefinitely while servers get upgraded around it. It doesn't cost anything extra (or separate) to run and will only be cheaper to run in the future as servers get more powerful. It is a great step forward for dedicated servers and MS is at the forefront as a software company while Sony is still mass producing ps3 blades to run PSNow. Yet those benefits will only be seen in the long run, hence not sexy for marketing.

FM6 most likely isnt using Azure because Turn 10 doesnt want to make FM6 always online. Drivaters will be available in FM6 which is great news but to render visual benefits your going to need to be connected to the internet which limits the games audiences even further. Having FM6 playable offline is a good thing and the game looks amazing even at 60 frames, i didnt think Turn 10 can out do Project Cars and from what i have seen they have. Maybe when gamers can move over to always online, we will see Azure being a standard across gaming. At the moment they want to sell games to as many gamers as possible.