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SvennoJ said:

I remember that demo and these were the results

Irradiance maps would fit within the bandwidth yet don't look any better than what we already have locally.
Voxels are already exceeding the bandwidth limit.
Photons is where you start to see noticeably better lighting, yet is also way out of reach.

That 2-4 mbps bandwidth will be used to send changes in geometry to the client, and changes in direction and velocity of existing active chunks. So in a sense it does work like video compression as it only needs to send what changes, except it's lossless and likely doesn't need to update free falling objects (console can easily do that) Ofcourse there are still limits, 4mbps is 17kb per frame at 30fps, not a whole lot when everything blows up.

Wow, thanks for doing the math.  Yea, like I say, this demo is already several years old, and before current leves of compression (side note: aren't the current twings getting  compression .h265 in software updates?  I know they talk about it on the Xbox One, but I would think the PS4 could do it as well.  It's the one that allows you to stream 4k resolution in the same bandwith as today's 1080p, basically 4x better than today's for streaming.)    So they don't need to send the full frame at 30fps, but a partal map - or prerender of what they local computer needs to render.  There might be 10,000 objects falling, but only 3,000 in your view.  Then the local on bord GPU on the Xbox One would render only what your character sees.

And I'm wondering if this is one of the things they really needed DirectX 12 to do - with it's any CPU can address the GPU expansion.  Thus dismissing a major bottleneck that it would need to process gobs of graphic data.  As others have said, it's one of the things they should have shown at launch (But I don't think it was near ready.)

PS People forget that World of Warcraft use to work on a phone modem.  The servers are doing the work, the info sent to your console can be much less than one assumes.


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


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