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Mbolibombo said:
Most things have been brought up here so I wont repeat what others have said but something I dont think I have seen yet that is in my mind a big plus to physical games - memories! I have a lot of memories with friends over a certain game some 10-15-20 or even 25 years back linked to a game. If I take a look at my shelf I see a game I may have forgotten but seeing it on my shelf instantly brings back fond memories. Also brings a lot of friends of mine together for good laughs as well.

That's a great point! When I see the physical boxes of my older games, i remember the times I played them first. I got nostalgic today when i packed my BigBox of Monkey Island 2 with its code-wheel and 11 floppy disks today (if I'm lucky, I get Ron Gilbert to sign it tomorrow in Cologne).

I don't have such nostalgic feelings for the retail or digital games I bought in the last decade, only for the older games.