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Stellar_Fungk said:
Aeolus451 said:

I agree but we'll have to wait til a republican gets into office to take ISIS down. Obama's Airplane only strategy isn't really working. 

The republicans main priority is Iran. As Netanyahu said; "Iran is a bigger threat than ISIS".

It's actually funny because Iran is fighting ISIS. Oh and one more thing; ISIS wouldn't exist if USA (under the republicans) didn't invade Iraq. And the support West gave to the rebels in the Syrian Civil War were the seeds of the creation of ISIS.

Alot of countries over there are fighting ISIS (Not effectively) but that doesn't make them a friend by default. Iran is a different matter entirely. If the US stayed in Iraq as it should have, ISIS probably would of been stomped out or never become what it is now. 

Obama hands aren't clean when it comes to why ISIS is what it is today. Here's the biggest way.

What most people don’t know is that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (also known as Abu Dua) was once held by the US in Camp Bucca Iraq, but the Obama administration shut down the Bucca prison camp and released its prisoners, including Abu Dua in 2009. “Democracy Now” website reported this on the closing of Camp Bucca in 2009:

The US meanwhile has closed Camp Bucca, once its largest prison in Iraq. The Pentagon says it’s transferred Bucca’s remaining 180 prisoners to two jails near Baghdad. US Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth King said the prison’s closure comes as part of the US-Iraq security deal.  Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth King: “As a show of progress for the security agreement and moving forward the government of Iraq, we’re going to put the theater internment facility as a piece of history. And we’re going to — it will be history, and we’ll move forward from here and progress.

Their generated many questions about the real relationship between US administration and the ISIS, as many consider it a terrorist organization supported covertly by the US and its allies in ME region (especially Saudi Arabic and Turkey).

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