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Eddie_Raja said:

-Haha really changing disc too hard for you buddy?  Please I always laugh at that one.  Unless you need multiple discs for the same game it is a non-issue.

Please read again... it's not a big deal for me (when I'm at home in the same room), but it can be a big deal for others! And it IS a problem if I'm not at home to change the disc (remote play, share play).

"it may be a minor inconvenience for you and me and many others to stand up and change the disc/module on a home console. But it's a much bigger hassle for someone who is immobile (bound to bed, wheelchair...) or if you stream the game to another room (WiiU off-TV, PS4 RemotePlay to Vita/PSTV/Smartphone, XBO to PC/tablet) within your WLAN or even globally (PS4 RemotePlay to Vita/Smartphone). On handhelds digital versions are also very convenient because you don't have to carry around a bunch of modules additional to the device... and perhaps even lose some of them."


-Cross-buy is nice, but it isn't the standard.  

It don't have to be the standard. You wrote that there are "NO pluses to digital on consoles", and cross-buy IS a plus for many games on consoles, even if you try to ignore it.


-PS+ is nice, but isn't a valid point for pro digital.  People will take FREE from any form lol.

It is a valid point for pro digital. These deals wouldn't be possible for retail versions. Again, it IS a plus for many games on consoles, and you try to ignore / downplay it.