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uran10 said:

The thing is I like tsundere, so that's not my reasoning behind chitoge at all. I just dislike how certain tropes always develop. Boy likes a girl who likes him back and out of no where another girl comes in and because of how shy the 1st girl is he ends up with the 2nd girl and this is the trope chitoge is. I also had no problem with her until she started to like Raku because the way it was developed as she going all "insert derogative word here" with Raku having to be the bigger character and apologize for doing nothing. At this point I still don't see her doing much of anything to redeem herself. Yes she gets charatcer development but that doesn't change the fact that she acts like this at times and Raku is always the one to fix it taking everything she throws at him cause he is a nice guy. Of all the girls in the show she is the one who deserves him the least, no amount of character development will change that.

I suppose I'll bite...even if my answer is largely the same.

You're free to dislike tropes, as I've said, though it's really just your own preference. However, I imagine the reason the trope you mention is so widespread is due to readers enjoying that sort of story. Some people prefer flawed characters that grow over time to make up for their flaws, others prefer characters with few flaws that grow very little over the course of the story. Same with relationships, some people are more interested in watching relationships develop in a dynamic way. I personally prefer dynamic characters over static ones, but I won't pretend my preference is inherently right. And neither should you.

For your example regarding Chitoge, I'm not exactly sure what you're referring to. Off the top of my head, the only fights the two have had that required a serious apology were the 1st Culture Festival and the Amnesia arcs, and neither were exactly "nothing" on Raku's part. The former he was ignorant to Chitoge's feelings, and didn't understand how their relationship had changed, in the latter he forgot her birthday was coming up, despite obvious cues from her. What's even more interesting about these two examples is that Chitoge was shown to be remorseful almost immediately after she hit him in both situations. Heck, in the Amnesia arc, she was even planning to apologize to him for overreacting, despite Raku being the one in the obvious wrong. If that's not enough to redeem the character for you, then it seems to me that it's the character type you don't I've stated earlier.

Heck, now that I think about it, Nisekoi is one of the few shonen I can think of where the physical abuse comedy is actually commented on as something that warrants apologizing for. Honestly, it's a comedy trope, so treating it as anything else just seems awkward in the scheme of things. I don't expect Rukia or Nami to apologize for punching their MCs over stupidity any more than I expect Elmer Fudd to apologize for shooting Bugs Bunny. Though that's an aside...I don't really care to get into a debate over that particular trope.

The last part is just your own opinion again, and a little ridiculous in the context of a fictional story. From my perspective, Chitoge "deserves" to end up with Raku because she's his closest person, because he doesn't need to put on airs around her (admitted by him during the 2nd year field trip), and because their relationship is the main focus of the story. They do bicker often, but as Komi has stated in that interview, the main theme he was aiming for with his story was "opposites attract". If you don't like that theme, then I advice once again to consider whether or not the story is for you in the first place.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334