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Anyway, no long series? Well, that leaves out a good number of my favorites but there are several more I can recommend.

The Phantom Tollbooth- A boy travels to a strange land where the abstract is often literal and hilarious. Through clever wordplay and strange adventure it induces the reader to see how utterly odd are the things we call 'ordinary'.

Steelheart- The first in the Reckoners Trilogy. If you like superhero genre this is a great one to try. It's a world where power literally corrupts, and 'Epics' have divided the world into fiefdoms. The writing flows quickly and easily, the POV character is very entertaining, and it balances impressive action with realistic consequences.

Watership Down- It reads very much like a medieval tale of adventure yet occurs entirely to a group of rabbits trying to survive in 1940ish England.

Anansi Boys- A tale of the modern world interacting with mythology come to life, and one man's journey to find the spark he lost as a child. Very cleverly written and full of humor. I'd suggest most things by Neil Gaiman, but this is one of his finest.

Sherlock Holmes- Any of them, though I would start with the short stories. They are some of the original detective stories, and it is hard to find better. Edgar Allen Poe's short stories are also a good choice.

The Island in the Sea of Time - 1990's Nantucket island gets transported into 1250 BC. It then has to survive and rebuild as best they are able. It's one of the best books I've ever seen for displaying the sheer difference between us and our ancestors. In most time travel ancient people are treated like ignorant (or stupid) versions of modern ones, but this book really explores their world views and marks the differences that have occurred over time.

Guns of the South- A hate group travels through time, supplies the American South with AK47s and helps them win the Civil War. Very rich in history with intelligent portrayals of real people from that era.

That's it for now, but I'll probably think of more and post again.