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capcom but with one twist. I want them to make street fighter a non-exclusive or sell the ip. I don't know why, but it just doesn't feel right on a Nin console in the day in age, and i doubt the nx will change my view of that. Strangely enough i'm ok with resident evil going to Nin. But my good god i would love to see nintendo do something with mega man and okami.
Then again i would love nintendo to do something with their own ip's. Modern takes on classic franchises. Metroid prime was a great example of this back in the day. Taking a chance with an adventure-fps instead of another 2d entry. I want a 3rd person shooter with the star fox crew, new earthbound with stellar graphics, more fantastic metroid games, and gosh damnit a kid icarus game with a zelda sized scope. I'm going to ask for that last one until i'm blue in the face.
Btw, is it just me or would federation force been much more welcoming as a mega man spin off?