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The sentiment that turn-based is out dated is a cheap cop-out for saying "I don't like it!" -same argument being made by people who don't want it action based. Anyway, looking back at his wording I doubt the changes will be quite as dramatic as he says it will, as this is a translation and its possible this was the closest english equivalent word to whatever he meant, not to say he wasn't accurate but is always a possibility.

In hindsight from my original post I very much doubt they'll say "fuck it" and turn it into one of the dime a dozen ARPGs that flood the market now. That being said, I do think there will be SOME action in it and it'd be ridiculous to think otherwise. The game won't be what you remembered from 1997 but it also won't be FF15.

How this game will actually function is anyone's guess and arguing which of the imaginary options exist. Because both sides are taking everything to absolute extremes. No, older fans, they won't make it into a hack-n-slash super action-y Kingdom Hearts wannabe... and no, fans who want change, the game won't be a super old school JRPG with random encounters and all the other things you oh-so-hate about anything in RPGs prior to 2007. It'll be, like he said, different but not unrecognizable.