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Kratos said:

Have you tried playing the ps2 version? If not, analoge workes way better in my honest opinion. I tried playing with the wii but its far more difficult to master then with anologe sticks. So to me wii controls = pain in the ass.

The way you worded that says that if I've played the PS2 version I'm right but if I haven't then you're right =P  But yes I have in fact played the PS2 version of the game, although I freely admit not extensively.

In any case, the issues with the Wii controls have stemmed from people not knowing the controls.  If you use the free-draw brush and the line brush where appropriate the brush techniques are not only trivial to perform but you also get an entirely new level of immersion from using them.  Okami uses the Wii-mote very well, and it does so in ways that simply cannot be reproduced by analogue sticks.  Rocking your thumb about left and right is just not the same.

To put it mildly the brush controls with the Wii-Mote are nothing short of brilliance when things are set up properly (ie your Wii, good batteries, using the techniques in the manual, etc..).  I would say its similar to analogue VS m&kb.

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