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Sqrl said:
Onimusha12 said:
Guess the PS2 version is the only worthwhile version after all. People boycott this crappy port please.

I completely disagree, the credits missing is hardly reason to boycott and its the only thing about the game I think is worse than the PS2 version based on what I know of each. If they are that important for you then watch them here:

WARNING: This video may contain spoilers (its the end credits of Okami)


 If anything the Wii version is definitive, I cannot imagine the pain in the ass it would be to play the PS2 version using analogue for brush controls. 


Have you tried playing the ps2 version? If not, analoge workes way better in my honest opinion. I tried playing with the wii but its far more difficult to master then with anologe sticks. So to me wii controls = pain in the ass.

PSN ID: clemens-nl