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sundin13 said:
ArchangelMadzz said:

I'm finding conflicting sources saying that you can and can't get out of the car. But I also am finding more to indicate that you have to get out of the car if it is a lawful order (as long as they have shown they are infact a police officer). So she should have gotten out of the car. She shouldn't have been asked as the cop was clearly having some sort of bad day if you're going to 'light someone up' for saying no to you.

But eventually she was removed from the vehicle. And restrained, yet the cop who was clearly angry, hot headed and shouldn't have been asking her to get out in the first place off camera managed to slam her head in the ground. And when she informed them of her epilepsy his response was 'good'.

So I will clarify, she should've gotten out of the vehicle first time he asked whether he should've or not is another argument. But his aggression especially after she is restrained is absolutely uncalled for and he obviously has many personal issue to mean he should not be given such a position of power.

Whatever happened off camera I'm not going to comment on am I'm certainly not going to deny that the cop was a prick. Just this case was extremely overblown and the claims that the cop broke laws by arresting her were shaky at best. I don't like that TYT and others tried to paint this case in black and white and inflame anti-police sentiments.

He didn't break laws but he broke human decency. I doubt many cops would've reacted in the way he had or done what he'd done in this same situation.

The reason this is so popular is because, this happened in the way it did, the footage the police released was edited, and the guards didn't check in on the people in jail, and she was found after she hung herself and everyone who knows her claimed she was not a suicidal woman. Obviously I'm not going to get into claims on the suicide, lots of people say that about victims of suicide. 

Also many think she was already dead in her mug shot. As she appears to be laying down from the upwards angle of the camera and the pigment in her skin. And as a black male I would be very worried if I saw my skin like that in the mirror xD But I don't think she was dead in the image that's a bit too tin foily for my tastes unless it's proven

There's only 2 races: White and 'Political Agenda'
2 Genders: Male and 'Political Agenda'
2 Hairstyles for female characters: Long and 'Political Agenda'
2 Sexualities: Straight and 'Political Agenda'