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c'mon, of course sony being a conglomerate helps, and of course sony is thinking about the home entertainment hub... why on earth do you think the ps3 is basically a supercomputer (i'm sure there'll be some research lab that builds a cluster of ps3's when the prices come down even further). bill gates' been talking about the hub for close to a decade now, that's why you even have the xbox. i don't know, but apple has a hub that's due out later this year (is that right?). i don't know much about it, but with their ipods and steve jobs at the helm i won't bet against them, even given sony's and microsoft's might. given jobs, gates and stringer to envision the home hub people want, i'd pick jobs 100 times out of 100. nintendo is... well, this is kind of out of its league. there's the intriguing prospect of nintendo merging with apple... it'll be the ultimate company, with oozing creativity. but on further thought, there could be a thing as too much creativity, with jobs and iwata/miyamoto butting heads and disagreeing on designs and strategies. as to downloading PS1 and PS2 games on PS3... it appears to have potential. i think an interesting factor is that given another 5-10 years, more than half of the US population would be consisted of people having grown up with some exposure to gaming, unlike the current US population. i think apple realizes this and that's why they also have some plans about gaming, which is why i thought of the apple-nintendo marriage. although again, it's unlikely as hell. in a way, it's "too bad" that the DS wii are selling so darn well, since otherwise it might consider an alliance with apple. no mater what happens, the ultimate winner is us! whether it be PSx or xboxABC or iWii, exciting times ahead.

the Wii is an epidemic.