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Miyamotoo said:
Aerys said:
vivster said:

...said no Metroid/paper Mario/ Mario party/ Zelda/jrpgs/Mario 64-sunshine-galaxy/ Fire Emblem/ Animal Crossing fan ever.

When you say it like that it seems to be thé worst Nintendo console since ...forever ?

N64 also didnt have Metroid, we still dont know for Paper Mario, we have Mario Party, we geting Zelda, Xenoblade is jrpgs, we have Mario 3D World, we are geting Fire Emblem crossover, big Animal Crossing probably no. At end of the day we can maybe certainly only say that Wii U will not have Metroid and big Animal Crossing game.

Wii U is great console for Nintendo fans, I think much better than Wii.

But GC and Wii had.

We Know NX comes soon so its very unlikely they announce an other big exclusive for WiiU while a game tales at least 2 years of dev

We dont have a good Mario party while every Nintendo console since 64 had one

We dont Know if thé Zelda will be exclusive, its very likely WiiU wont have an exclusive Zelda like TP for GameCube

One jrpg is not enough, much less than GameCube or Wii

Mario 3D world is not part of 3D Mario with exploration and adventure and stars/sun to get, its something else, most fans were expecting a Mario 3D aventure like that and thought Mario 3D world was only thé one waiting for thé ambitious 3D Mario adventure 

No réal Animal Crossing game or réal Emblem too


You must have bad mémories of Wii, third party Alone makes it much better than WiiU, and it had much more and better Nintendo games 

WiiU looks more like the worst Nintendo console since before n64

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m