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Why not? Improving upon on the the Wii U is not a hard task, there are so many things Nintendo done wrong that the logical step is for Nintendo to improve upon it. Normally when someone has an unexpectedly successful generation (PS2, wii, 360) they become complacent and make poor, ill thought out decisions. When they perform more modestly or fall below expectation (gamecube, Xbox, PS3) they tend to come back with a thoroughly well thought out console and business plan.

Nintendo has shown in the last year that they're ready to move with the times a bit with the plan to enter the mobile market and their acquisition of DeNA, which indicates a goal to greatly expand their online service and capabilities. They're no longer banking on the Wii audience which is all round good new for gamers. And the rumours of a shared library between console/handheld will certainly result in a more robust gaming platform then the Wii U.

I haven't heard anyone say that they expect NX to sell 100m units, people just think that it will be an improvement on what we're currently seeing from Nintendo and a far more profitable venture then the Wii U. A new system is always exciting, especially one where we don't really know what to expect.