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Soundwave said:

Soundwave said:


It can't be just Nintendo making games for the system. Wii U has already proven this. Nintendo needs AAA 3rd party support to be viable in the long run. It just can't be only Nintendo anymore. There would be no talk of droughts if Wii U if they had made their system around the area of the twins. I bet that if Nintendo did this, most people would be arguing that Wii U is the system to own this generation. If Nintendo does the same thing with NX then its pretty much DOA outside of the dedicated fanbase.

Except Nintendo has had these types of games before with the GameCube and again early on with the Wii U and they sold a fraction of what they sold on the PS/XBox. Nintendo lost the audience for those types of games a long time ago and Sony/MS will never give them back as that is their bread & butter audience that they market to 24/7. 

At this point they're probably better off just trying something different. Nintendo's role in the industry has changed, their role now is to try and change up the status quo and be different. Sometimes it will work, sometimes not so much. That comes with taking the path less traveled. 

Besides honestly there's nothing wrong with embracing the family side of the market. The game industry is too obsessed with hyper-violent games, families should have a platform they can go to and play together. After all, pretty much everyone who is a Nintendo fan here became a fan when they were a kid. 

But there is a difference between catering to 3rd party and completely ignoring them. I'm not saying that Nintendo abandons the family market. That would be a bad idea. But making their hardware so that 3rd parties can easily port their games to their system is smart. If Nintendo decides to completely abandon 3rd party, then most likely they will never come back. This will make it so Nintendo ends up on their own again, and then we will be back in the Wii U area again.