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bunchanumbers said:
Soundwave said:

PS4 power isn't going to happen. Nintendo will go for a mobile-centric chip that suits their handheld as priority no.1, then scale that up a bit for its console brother (assuming they even bother with two seperate devices rather than just having a portable that can stream to the TV). They will go for a unique/new kind of device, they've basically said as much. If you want a PS4 ... honestly just buy a PS4 or XB1. 

I don't want a PS4 or X1. I want NX to be viable so that 3rd party devs could port their games onto the system. That and it be strong enough so that 3rd party devs don't abandon it the instant that the next PS/XB launch like they did with Wii U. I'm not asking for a god box. But it does need to be viable for the entire life of the console, and not just until the launch of the twins again.

Like I said if you want third party ports ... get a PS4 or X1. You're unlikely to be happy with the NX if that's what you're looking for. 

If you want Nintendo IP and probably a new type of controller along with the fusion idea of shared handheld + home game library and maybe some Japanese third party support, then NX will be up your alley.