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After the last NPD the things PS4 started to be more clear about the PS4 situation in the world.

The last released numbers from Sony showed us the below situation:

20.2m as of March 1, 2015
WW UP YoY ~2%

With US and JP down YoY PS4 was up WW due EU and RotW.

Now after this NPD the situation changed a bit:

US FLAT YoY or less than 1% DOWN
JP FLAT/UP YoY in three weeks

So US and Japan reached the FLAT/UP status making the trend really good for PS4 in the next semester.

Tha means WW the PS4 is mostly like UP YoY right now.

The sales will get even better because I do believe PS4 will sell more in US than it did in July, August and September last year.