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RubberWhistleHistle said:
alternine said:
You say you're disappointed with the PS4 yet damn near every thread you make is about the PS4 Lol

i dont see what connection you are trying to make here. i can make threads about a console im disappointed about. 

Since your profile isn't available publicly how many of this sort of thread which begins with trying to link 3rd party remasted games on a Sony system as a negative have you created which have been locked? Recreating the same or a very similar thread will just get you the same or worse responses of people who might be turning up the directness of their replies to make them short enough to understand just in case they were not clear in the previous threads.

As for this thread do I think the system compares to how the PS1 and 2 were doing at this point in their life? well I think I was still playing the bouncer and smuglers run by now on the ps2 so yeah would definately say its offerings so far are better considering it has already had a definitive version of GTA5 which alone is above and beyond what the old librarys of games had when you take off nostalgia goggles and actually count all the polygons that the psones 33mhz of power could throw around the place.

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