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Madword said:
Ryng_Tolu said:

Last year, XBO and PS4 was really close:

[PS4] 190,000
[XB1] 160,000

That's because Madden.

As we know, PS4 is down YOY, and this is not going to change since a pricedrop (expect June because Batman), and the pricedrop in August is too soon. ( honestly, i not even think will happen this year ).

Meanwhile, XBO is selling better than last year, barely, but still up YOY.


Now, if last year the PS4-XBO gap was so close, yes, i seriusly think this August will be very interesting all considering. Also, August is the month of Gears Ultimate Edition ( not a big release considering we talk about a remastered, but still one thing that can help) and of course, like last year, Madden.

I wasnt actually commenting about August but more about the hourly's for XBO for July... sorry should have made it more clear :). But August has a few PS4 titles.. so expecting that to keep it going a little.

Was Madden a XBO packaged deal? If it's not the same this year (or is it?)

I thought even this year XBO should have the Madden bundle... it haven't? :-/