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Ryng_Tolu said:
Madword said:

I dont think it will. I think this is just making it cloudy, when actually PS4 has been on the whole selling more on amazon. If we extrapolate that into what's happening on the high street, then all today is doing is making it look closer than it is?

Last year, XBO and PS4 was really close:

[PS4] 190,000
[XB1] 160,000

That's because Madden.

As we know, PS4 is down YOY, and this is not going to change since a pricedrop (expect June because Batman), and the pricedrop in August is too soon. ( honestly, i not even think will happen this year ).

Meanwhile, XBO is selling better than last year, barely, but still up YOY.


Now, if last year the PS4-XBO gap was so close, yes, i seriusly think this August will be very interesting all considering. Also, August is the month of Gears Ultimate Edition ( not a big release considering we talk about a remastered, but still one thing that can help) and of course, like last year, Madden.

I wasnt actually commenting about August but more about the hourly's for XBO for July... sorry should have made it more clear :). But August has a few PS4 titles.. so expecting that to keep it going a little.

Was Madden a XBO packaged deal? If it's not the same this year (or is it?)

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