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Fuzzmosis your arguments are dumb as rocks.

"By many of your definitions, piracy is wrong because you're not providing income to those who created the game, however for any pirated copy to exist, money had to be made to at least buy one copy (Unless they shoplifted etc). How is buying a used game any different than theft with that being your perspective?"

So, ok. Let's say I go out and buy Command and Conquer 3, and then proceed to seed it in a torrent online. That goes to, oh, probably 500 people at least.

You're saying it's ok to take a disc image of Command and Conquer 3 from a torrent website, because 1 person paid for it? That's just stupid.

And buying used games is still bad for videogame companies...but not nearly as bad. I use GameFly and rent games a lot of the time...GameFly bought all the games it rents out, and I pay GameFly a monthly fee so they can continue doing so. Videogame companies won't make as much money as they would if everyone who used GameFly just paid full price and bought their own videogames...but it's a legitimate's not that big of a deal to developers as piracy.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )