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cpg716 said:
Aeolus451 said:

"I am curious what people think about this. I for one thing this is proof that Halo 5 will be huge this holiday.   An 8 month old 2014 RE-MASTER is outselling new properties like Bloodborne and Order:1886..  both 2015 titles..   This while having a smaller console base (almost half as much).  I think its also proof that its not really the PS4 exclusives that are pushing sales, but more the price , more power and headstart (in sales lead, not release date)."

No, you skewed data in a way to better fit your agenda. You made this thread to prove that halo 5 will be huge this holiday and that PS4 exclusives don't really push sales but the price, power and headstart with the sales lead does. The data you listed proves nothing. 

Halo 5 will sell well during holidays because it's a numbered halo and MS tries to push console/game sales with good deals/lots of marketing during the holidays. MS will likely bundle halo 5 to push console sales too.

The PS4 sells well for many reasons includiing it's exclusive games. All someone has to to do to counter your opinion is look at the PS4 total software sales charts and total software sales charts for this gen. PS4 exclusives are selling well. Also, the PS4 is not selling well because it sold well.

I didn't skew anything . I listed that DATA exactly as its reported on VGChartz.... I asked what people thought of it.. then gave a few thoughts of mine..  I could care less if Halo 5 is big..  I am not even a Halo fan.. and while i did pick of Halo:MCC i have played it maybe 5 minutes..   While Destiny on my PS4 has gotten many hours.  I have never even played Halo 4. But i do think how well Halo:MCC has sold (which now seems to have sold 5 million copies, since Halo series is now at 65 million and it was at 60 right before release as VGChartz reported today)..  made me thought Halo 5 will be huge and be the biggest title for X1 yet..  How is that not logical? 

I also pointed out that the power, price and sales lead is better at helping the PS4 then the EXCLUSIVES that came out in 2015..  Since none of them sold huge.. I think my point is pretty much proven. PS4 exclusives for 2015 are NOT selling big. Again the proof is in the FACTS.. The multi-plats are outselling exclusives by a big margin on the PS4. There has yet to be a HUGE exclusive on either console..  2014 games are selling just as good in 2015 total sales as many Bloodborne and Order.. COD: AW has outsold Order in 2015.. and thats with already selling 5 million in 2014..  GTA5 has outsold Bloodbone in 2015.. with already selling 6 million in 2014..     Yes.. Bloodborne and Order have sold ok.. being at about 1 million or over(1.3 and 950k)..   but not HUGE or BIG by any sense of the words..   Not when other titles on PS4 are selling 4, 5, and 6 million units in their first months..  I know they are new properties.. But if you don't build buzz then.. no reason for making more of them.. Even TLoU has been outsold HUGE by GTA 5, FIFA 15, Battlefield..   I mean.. even the Witcher 3.. WHICH WASNT ON THE PS3 has outsold Bloodborne and Order:1886.     For systems that don't have a huge catalog yet..  you would just think we would see some bigger sales on the new properties.. especially Bloodborne as it reviewed so well.  I mean.. Batman: AK likely outsold Order:1886 YTD in its first week of release alone..   Sorry.. You can't spin this any other way..  

Everyone just needs to STOP assuming everyone is a fanboi and can't have discussions without attacking. Most people read nothing buy my headline and called me a liar, or that I was dreaming.. When I listed the facts as they are told on VGChartz. I am sorry. I don't consider people who are fanboi's as gamers. As true gamers own and play on multiple systems and ENJOY THEM ALL..  (X1, PS4, X360, PS4, Wii, PS Vita, PC)..  I own and play all of these.  Why do we need to pick sides always? I just don't get it. And whenever I stick up for one or the other.. I am called a fanboi.. which is such a joke. People say I am lying that i own and play the other consoles..    really? I don't have better things to do in life..   such a joke.   SMH

I don't care what side you're a part of and I read your entire post before I posted the first time. No one called you a fanboy. None of that really matters in this. Big multiplatform games from popular series typically outsell the majority of exclusives on any xbox or playstation console. That's a fact but doesn't prove exclusives don't persaude people to buy certain consoles. The PS4 exclusives that were released this year pushed console sales 

Bloodborne itself pushed the sales of PS4s in the weeks after it's release. You can easily find that yourself. Exclusives of all kinds push console sales. 

I think that your thread was put together very poorly and you were being lazy about sourcing anything or showing more relevant data to your point.