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It will be out next year (2016). Video game fans think the world revolves around them, but it doesn't.

Nintendo has sales projections, dividend payments that they have to make to stockholders, profit projections they need to reach ... and quite frankly the 3DS and Wii U make it basically impossible for them to reach any of their financial goals.

3DS sales are declining and reaching the lowest handheld sales Nintendo has had since prior to the release of Pokmeon in 1996. These are 20 year lows in handheld shipments, which also means low software shipments to go with it.

Wii U sales are just consistently terrible and they've already spent basically all their major IP on it.

The transition to NX won't be a big deal for them because IMO it likely won't be a big hardware upgrade anyway. The main thing will be that it'll be a mobile-centric platform, which can either also play games on the TV at home or has a companion "TV mini-console" product (ala Vita + Vita TV) that lets you play games on the TV at home.

And that's pretty much it. IMO they're already hoarding games for the NX and have for a long time, so they'll be able to launch with a new 3D Mario, a NX version of Zelda, and the "real" Animal Crossing early on in the life cycle. So I don't see that being an issue either. I think Splatoon 2 and Mario Kart 9 are also both well into development for NX also. 

By next E3 they will be able to show a ton of playable titles. The main EAD Tokyo Mario team has been quiet for several years. The main Animal Crossing team has been quiet for several years. Mario Kart 8 team has been largely free for over a year now.