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DerNebel said:
Alkibiádēs said:
DerNebel said:

Dragon Quest Heroes is selling better than HW in Japan because the Warriors fanbase is actually on PS (and is big on those systems) over there and yes of course there is some growth thanks to DQ but it's not even in the same league to the boost that Hyrule Warriors got thanks to being Zelda. There is one other Warriors game on Wii U, know what it sold in the west? About 50k units. How about 3DS? The one Warriors game that came to the west sold about 160k,the publisher didn't even bother bringing its successors to the west. On Wii the highest was 110k. And here comes Hyrule Warriors and sells 760k in the west.

Try and give me even one example of a crossover like this where a franchise that people initially didn't give a shit about got a boost like this because it was crossed with a popular franchise. I love Persona and especially Persona 4 but I'm not going out to buy a freaking dance game because it has the Persona 4 characters in it.

Oh and I don't know what you're getting at with your last sentence, but be my guest.

There has never been a Warriors game in the West that used a popular IP (in the West).  Warriors games aren't big on any console anymore, not even the PS. Yet here we have Dragon Quest Heroes that sells a ton in just one country. It's easily going to be the best selling Warriors game in Japan.

Hyrule Warriors sold a lot less in Japan because Japanese gamers aren't into Zelda like Western gamers are. It will be the other way around for Dragon Quest Heroes.

A GoW Warriors game would also sell a ton in the West, and not because GoW fans are mindless sheep that buy anything with a GoW paintcoat, but because they like the GoW universe and want to play as different characters that aren't Kratos.

Funny that you mention Persona 4: Dancing because it boosted Vita sales in Japan more than Fire Emblem: Fates boosted the 3DS.

There has never been a Warriors game that was popular in the west, period. Warriors games were never big on consoles outside of Japan and in Japan they still are, Dynasty Warriors still sells several 100k per main entry. And in what world is Dragon Quest Heroes going to be the best selling Warriors title in Japan? With these legs? Warriors games are ridiculously frontloaded, that game is never going to break a million like some other Warriors titles have.

Hyrule Warriors mainly sold a lot less in Japan because the Warriors fanbase is not on Wii U, Hyrule Warriors sold less than the average Warriors and the average Zelda game over there.

And if the best thing you can come up with is some hypothetical scenario then you maybe don't have a leg to stand on. 

Again, extremely unpopular series/genre with the paint of an extremely popular series resulting in a huge sales spike of several 100% for the unpopular series, can you think of one other example like that, cause I sure can't. Also that Persona argument doesn't work in Japan (and btw. what in the world is with that comparison. This one game boosted this systems sales more than that other game that has nothing to do with it boosted that other system, so?) as dance/rhythm games are actually popular over there. 

If you can't understand that concept then I'm not sure what to tell you. Welcome to the real world I guess?

In my country we have two snacks that look the same, taste the same and are made in the same factory. The more famous brand is more expensive yet sells more than the cheaper brand despite tasting the exact same. People buy things based on brand recognition, you seriously can't grasp that? Why do you think advertisements use famous people to sell their products? Because there are plenty of people out there who would buy a certain product if it was used by a celebrity they like. There are litterally thousands of examples.

I can only use a hypothetical scenario for a Warriors game because the Zelda spin-off is the only famous IP it has gotten in the West. That's why your whole reasoning makes zero sense because there's no comparison to be made with a similar Warriors spin-off game. What we do know is that Dragon Quest Heroes sold a lot more than the Warriors games on the PS3. Yet you dismiss it because it doesnt fit your view. Since when does a hypothesis mean someone has no leg to stand on? You have no legs to stand on as there is no other Warriors spin-off game to compare with Hyrule Warriors in the West. We do know that the Dragon Quest and One Piece IPs boosted sales in Japan.

Dance/rhythm games are popular in Japan? Ok, and Zelda games are popular in the West. What's your point?

You think Kingdom Hearts would be as popular as it is today if it didn't use Final Fantasy and Disney characters? I can guarantee you it wouldn't. Would Batman: Arkham Asylum have been as popular if it used an original superhero (i.e. one that Rocksteady made up) instead of Batman? Of course it wouldn't. Would Goldeneye 007 have sold as much if it wasn't a James Bond game? *Looks at Perfect Dark* Nope.

Would Pokémon Mystery Dungeon have sold as much if it didn't use the Pokémon IP? *Looks at other mystery dungeon games* Nope. Would Tony Hawk's Pro Skater sell as much if it wasn't affiliated with Tony Hawk? *Looks at other skater games* Nope.

"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" - Thoukydides