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A few things to consider before you kill your roommate, or melt your console down into slag. Have you followed all the recommended home repairs for your console. Have you cleaned the tray and drive with a can of compressed air? Have you unplugged your console for a period of time, and then tried to run it? Have you tried disconnecting your hard drive and seeing what effect that has?

Don't just assume that the console is truly broken. Your problem could be a piece of lint or dust. You may have a corrupted file on the hard drive, and a little deletion could resolve that for you. Perhaps you just need to reboot the system entirely. There are a lot of explanations beyond knocking the lens loose.

I would not recommend trying to hot box your 360 out of a sense of moral obligation. That is just committing an act of fraud, and because your dealing with a corporation doesn't necessarily make it acceptable. Even so you would probably be better off doing that, because they are not likely to repair a launch unit, and far more likely to simply replace it. However if they do not you will get a console in the mail with a disc reading error. Which you will promptly have to return. Then you have to hope that they believe that its the fault of UPS.

I would follow my conscience. How much is the sleep of the innocent actually worth to you.