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bbsin said:
@pig: Ok fair enough, let me rephrase it.
That trade was the most unbalanced trade in RECENT history and it was also the worst trade in MLB history from the outright.

From the outset... Possibly. There were several other bad ones back in the day, though.

In recent memory, I would still call the Giants trading one year of Pierzynski for Nathan (possibly the best overall closer the past few years), Bonser (a decent #3/4 guy), and Liriano (the sky is the limit with that guy, we'll see if he comes back from TJ surgery fully) a more unbalanced trade overall. It looks even worse if you take a gander at the Giants pitching staff right now. They really need those guys and one year of Pierzynski got them shit.

There's also a lot of factors in the Santana trade... He could blow out his elbow tomorrow (unlikely) or Gomez or *chuckles* Mulvey or Humber could surprise everyone down the road. 

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