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I'm not... SUPER excited. x3 While the movie was good in that it established the foundations (circular ring thing that opens wormholes, mythology-based aliens, etc,) pretty much 90% or so of what I enjoyed about Stargate came from the later shows than it did the actual movie itself. Considering how much the creators of the movie apparently LOATHED the shows (and, for the record, they're the ones doing these sequels,) suffice to say few if any elements from the television show are going to be brought into the film, unless outside studio pressure mutters in their ear; "WE NEED TEAL'C."

That and Rolland Emmersomething seems to kind of made a name for himself in creating one 'Earth is Screwed' movie after another, so i can't help but be concerned we'll just end up with a reskinned Independence Day. =P (Which, for the record, I did enjoy, but not so much that I want it AGAIN.)

So yeah. Interested in Stargate-y goodness, but not super confident about the folks helming it.

Zanten, Doer Of The Things

Unless He Forgets In Which Case Zanten, Forgetter Of The Things

Or He Procrascinates, In Which Case Zanten, Doer Of The Things Later

Or It Involves Moving Furniture, in Which Case Zanten, F*** You.