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_Jameson said:

If I had to choose a line up and I got to play them in 2015-16, I would pick SONY but they are coming much later. Microsoft has games now and imo that shouldn't be downplayed.

Sony has games for now AND later on PS4, that makes it's futur much brighter and less blurry.


Why choose games only for now ?Not downplaying what Ms has now but it's not more than what PS4 has, at all. And it's more and more obvious that the library gap will be huge between both consoles, thanks to japanese and first party support on PS4, we know Microsoft has one more announcement to make at Gamescom, while Sony has many others this year, DQ XI, Level 5 game ( if its not DQ), Gravity Rush 2 PS4, Quantic Dream game, Sony Bend game and much more, there is really no comparison this generation, the gap between PS and Xbox library will be much bigger


Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m