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Dulfite said:
TheBlackNaruto said:

While I see what you are saying what DerNebel said is also were kind of making special rules for NIN in that post. You can't just discount what doesn't fit your argument. Besides we already pretty much know all that is coming out for PS4/XB1 for this year so why waste a lot of time on that? And you can't not count 3rd party games....I don't care who they are beinbg made by as long as they are good games. I mean truth be told it's the 3rd party games that will drive a system and make it last longer and sell better in my opinion.

I wasn't saying Nintendo had a good show, I just said not taking into consideration third party games (which has nothing to do with the talent of developers for Sony and Microsoft) what are you left with except for a few in house exclusives? I'm not saying those exclusives are bad, or that the third party games on those devices don't help, but in terms of the presentations I generally only consider one of the three to be the winner if it had the best in house (development wise) games and all Sony/Microsoft spent almost all their time on were 3rd party games. Nintendo's first party games were terribly received (including by me) by the majority, but at least they had a bunch that are actually coming in the same year that is in the title E3 2015. I'll enjoy the 2016 games at E3 2016, and the same for 2017. I don't care to know about games years before they are released.

Okay I got you, I was lost at first. But I understand you were focusing only on 2015 and 1st party titles. I guess that is one way to look at it, and it does tend to still HIGHLY favor NIN doing it like that because they have like almost no 3rd party support and rely on their 1st party titles so they will always shine in that aspect. That's why it came off as odd I guess because it seemed like you were creating a scenario to favor NIN.

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23